"First Blessing" Spirit World Advanced Training Seminar
Albuquerque, New Mexico
September 7 & 8, 2024
Saturday Session 9:30am -5:30 pm
Genesis describes the “First Blessing” as being fruitful, which can be likened to attaining maturity or completion. We will provide training to help participants develop their own unique spiritual gifts. We will also explain how the spirit world works, what we can expect when we arrive there, and how we can best prepare for it. We will also demonstrate how communicating with the spirit world takes place.
Sunday Session 9:30am – 2pm
We will provide techniques that participants can use to understand what may be blocking them in their relationships with God, and how to overcome these blocks.
A free buffet lunch will be provided on both days.
Snacks and beverages will also be available during the breaks.
The seminar will be held in the home of
Mark and Cory Boitano
2704 Bosque del Rio Ln NW
Albuquerque, NM 87111
$100 per person
You may pay with PayPal, credit cards,
Venmo @Connie-Pappalardo-1
or by check.
Send Checks to:
Ron Pappalardo
316 White Oak Dr
Cary, NC 27513
Space is limited to 14 participants.
First come, first served.
For questions concerning lodging , transport, etc
please contact
Cory Boitano
(505) 440-9896
for additional questions contact
Scott Avery
Reflections from Ron Pappalardo’s “First Blessing” seminars:
“I attended Ron Pappalard"s workshop and learned a lot about the spirit world and grew my heart and
refreshed my relationship with my family, self, and God.”
Tyler Hendricks Ph.D.(UTS), Tarrytown
The Divine Principle has a revolutionary doctrine of God’s Heart of love. And yet, we have not been able
to run a good Church due to our inability to understand God’s Heart truly. We have caused so many
problems. Ron’s approach, I believe, is to bring back God’s Heart to our lives and our Church, and also
to the rest of the world eventually. Therefore, I really want to endorse it.”
Theodore Shimmyo Ph.D. (UTS), Barrytown
"Ron Pappalardo’s workshop in Pasadena, California.......was healing water to my soul. I felt connected
deeply to God’s heart and felt the presence of True Father throughout the weekend. I felt real hope for
the future and I feel happy inside."
Sheri Rueter, Pasadena
"Blessedly eye opening";
John Williams (UTS), Barrytown
"Many insights and inspirations for my personal, spiritual renewal".
Phillip Schanker, Tarrytown
"Anyone who wants to cultivate their spirit …. should make every effort to attend".
Franco Famularo (UTS), Montreal
Ron’s purpose is to awaken people’s hearts and his humility allows God to work through him. If you
attend this seminar, you will not be disappointed.
Kerry Pobanz (UTS)
"It was the deepest workshop I have ever experienced in my 40 years in the church. I recommend that
all UC members attend Ron Pappalardo"s First Blessing workshop".
Robert Brown, Pasadena
"A workshop about love, emotional heart and forgiveness".
Fatima Trindade (New Jersey)
"I am pretty much convinced of the sincerity and authenticity of this information and believe that it
can ignite a “Second Reformation” of faith
movement, not just for U.M. but throughout other religious organizations worldwide".
Cevil Naghshbandi, New Jersey
"This has been an answer to my prayers."
Anna Maria Cherubin, New Jersey
"Definitely the dawn of a new era in this church- that’s what I felt through these 2 days".
Abdou Gaye (UTS 97), Bridgeport
"I won’t be the same and I understand God on a new level. It is just what I needed because recently
it’s been hard for me to feel God.
Thank you Ron Pappalardo. Thank you God. I am strengthening my spiritual muscles."
Shannah VanGeldern (2nd Gen) Bridgeport
"I have always been passionate regarding the subject of the spirit world and since my husband and my
son both transitioned fairly recently, I have an even stronger desire to connect with God and my family.
This workshop gave a lot of valuable information and basically, every one of us has to sharpen
their spiritual senses."
Eva Mackin, Bridgeport
"I was reminded of the need for spirituality in our church movement. DP teaches that we need to
develop our spiritual senses as part of our natural growth.
Ron does an excellent job of re-introducing us to these concepts."
Carol A. Nilson (UTS 81) Pasadena
"I would strongly recommend this workshop to anyone! I will bring people with me if this workshop is
offered again."
Alan Davies, Pasadena
"We came more close to God through understanding and feeling how much God loves us."
Sara Saberan (UTS;84) Pasadena
"I had many moments of feeling God's unconditional love, and experienced healing and tears of joy."
Jean Rondon (UTS 81) Tarrytown and Bridgeport
"During Ron Pappalardo’s Tarrytown workshop I had a realization of how to remove a very great
problem that I’ve been carrying for a long time. I have prayed for a solution to release me from great
Marilyn Onoda, Tarrytown and Bridgeport
“.. personal, authentic, and sincere..”
Essi Zahedi (UTS’91) Barrytown
".. a potent path to grow my heart.."
Cynthia Myers, Barrytown
"..such liberation for me."
Suzanne Claveau Ferreira, Montreal
"I felt the amazing power of the Holy Spirit."
Elisa Hack (2nd G), Tarrytown
"Thanks to Ron and this workshop, my faith felt renewed."
Douglas Mizutani (2nd G), Montreal
"..a wonderful outreach of Love."
William Lay Esq., Tarrytown
“…helped me to move up to a new stage.”
Jeff Santos, Barrytown
“My hope is that you will be able to continue to give this education to others in the UC as well as all
other denominations open to hearing what you have to say. You have affirmed what I have felt for a
very long time…" ; Charmaine Singer, Barrytown
“I also greatly enjoyed the brief review of the religious/spiritual aspects of U.S. history
completely overlooked by historians…”
David Stewart (UTS 85), Barrytown
"A very deep, insightful and refreshing experience. Ron helps some weary, mission-exhausted, dedicated
missionaries reconnect to their sources – finding the heart of God anew".
Eveline Stewart, Barrytown
"Everyone who has the opportunity should attend Ron’s “First Blessing” workshop. You will not be
Henry Christopher (UTS 80), Barrytown
“..totally inspired by Ron Pappalardo’s workshop.”
Linda Shapiro–Zochol (UTS 79), Barrytown
"I am just moved, inspired, and grateful."
Jinmee Devine Graham (2 nd G), Barrytown and Bridgeport
"The workshop was wonderful. Very fluid and responsive to the crowd’s interests and vibes. Clarity
came from the historical accounts told. I left feeling open and capable..."
Kristi Mas (2 nd G) Barrytown
"This workshop was instrumental in renewing my relationship with Heavenly Father/Mother God, in
creating that desire to want to experience the love of God and be a light filled with warmth for others".
Fred Lacroix (UTS’91), Barrytown and Montreal
"The insights into the First Blessing were unprecedented. This workshop should be a requirement for
Unificationists and any other people who want to improve their relationship with God".
James S. Hewes Esq. (UTS'87), Barrytown
"It was an amazing opportunity …. It was like a deep tissue spiritual and emotional massage".
Patricia Graham (UTS ;80) Barrytown and Bridgeport
"Somehow Ron is able to go right to the core of my deepest heart and say what is locked up in there....I
will always mark this workshop as the beginning of a new more “real” life. One in which I am determined
to walk closer with Heavenly Mother-Father God everyday."
Jeanne Carroll (UTS;87) Barrytown
"This workshop was AMAZING! He ignites hopes that we once thought dead."
Greg Davis (UTS 89), Barrytown